The latest release from PhysioControl, their LIFEPAK CR2 – a powerful, easy-to-use AED.
Available in either Semi-Auto or Full-Auto models.
Advanced technology includs cprINSIGHT, (optional) Wi-Fi connectivity and continuous self-monitoring ensure devices and responders are always prepared to deliver swift, lifesaving treatment.
– Semi-Automatic defibrillator – up to a high 360 joules capability
– CPR analysis technology
– USB connection
– Unit performs its own regular self-tests
– 8-year warranty
– Safe to use on children & infants, with in-built switchable Adult / Child function
– Audible metronome and CPR coaching guides users during emergency situations
– ClearVoice technology listens to the level of background noise and adjusts the volume accordingly
– cprINSIGHT technology analyses the patient for a shockable rhythm during a compression cycle
– Average of 103 full discharges when fully charged (800 mins operating time)